Where kids can make a scene!
WINTER 2025 Classes

Theater Classes for Ages 4-12th Grade
There’s a class for every age and each level of experience.
Classes are offered to build skills and confidence at every level.
We believe that theatre training helps children develop
important life skills and realize their potential.
Children explore theatre through games, songs, and movement to enact a short story based on the class theme. We explore connections between emotions, body, voice and imagination. We use creative play to learn to listen, to work together, to challenge our creativity, and to follow directions.
Children are welcome to wear costumes from home. (Keep it simple: no capes, limited accessories, no need to change during class.)
MINI PLAY (grades K-2 & grades 3-5)
Mini Plays are classes for young actors to understand the foundations of acting and rehearsals. We explore the process linking the page to the stage through games, warm-ups, acting, music, and dance using an original 5-10 minute skit written by staff and based on our theme with a speaking role for each student. The class explores the fundamentals required to appear in a production: auditions, memorizing, blocking, and taking directions. We use these short scripts to teach listening skills, collaboration, risk, creative expression, focus and following directions.
Attendance to each class is important to help build confidence and rehearse and review the script. Students perform in simple costumes on the final day of class.
These classes will teach young actors foundational skills and exercises to help them develop their craft. These classes can cover a variety of topics, including:
Performance techniques: Relaxation, concentration, sense memory, emotional recall, and improvisation
Character development: Building a character for the stage or screen, and understanding dramatic texts
Vocal production: Developing vocal awareness and skills
Movement: Working with movement on stageRehearsal and
performance: Developing confidence and discipline, and understanding appropriate attitudes
Observation: Using sensory and emotional awareness, and observation