Where kids can make a scene!

Open to Grades K-5
Open to K-5 students at Locust Street, Fairview, Paxton Keeley & CIS
TRYPS will pick your student up from school and transport
them to the TRYPS space at Columbia Mall.
K-5 students from other schools are welcome to join us, but must provide their own transportation from school to TRYPS.
Students will spend their time at TRYPS creating mini-plays, doing crafts, playing theater and group games, and having supervised free time.
3:30-3:45 - Snack
3:45-4:00 - Clean Up and restroom break
4:00-5:00 - daily content (guided craft, play practice,
music class, dance class, etc.)
5:00-6:00 - pickup and supervised free time
Tuition includes all snacks, materials, field trips and fees, and supplies.
TRYPS programming includes all Early Release dates.
2024-2025 Rates
Locust Street Elementary
TRYPS Pick Up: 2:40PM
Final Parent Pick Up: by 6:00PM
Annual Tuition: $3,000/child
$322.22/month/child after $100 deposit
Fairview Elementary & Paxton Keeley Elementary
TRYPS Pick Up: 3:20PM
Final Parent Pick Up: by 6:00PM
Annual Tuition: $2,225/child
$261.11/month/child after $100 deposit
Columbia Independent School
TRYPS Pick Up: 3:30PM
Final Parent Pick Up: by 6:00PM
Annual Tuition: $2,225/child
$261.11/month/child after $100 deposit
All other Elementary Schools
Final Parent Pick Up: by 6:00PM
Annual Tuition: $2,320/child
$246.67/month/child after $100 deposit
TRYPS does not have para assistance available.
All students must be able to participate without
para accommodations.
Tuition can be paid in full for the year or on a monthly basis. A $100 deposit is due at the time of registration and will be applied to the total for the year. The remaining balance will automatically be charged to the card on file on the 5th of each month, September through May.