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25 years??? 25 YEARS!!!


Holy wow!! Thank you to our entire TRYPS family for bringing us this far!


We can't wait to celebrate through the year, so stay tuned to our social media for "TRYPS Down Memory Lane" from current students, alums, staff, and parents.


Wanna help us celebrate? Make a donation to help TRYPS keep inspiring young performers for another quarter century!

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Attention all aspiring actors!

Join us for fall classes, with something fun for kids of all ages!


All of our classes are appropriate for beginners, but will also expand on skills and knowledge previously developed.There’s a class for every age and level of experience.


Classes are offered to build skills and confidence at every level.

When school is out, come PLAY with us!

PJ Play Day is an all-day theater workshop scheduled on days that Columbia Public Schools are closed.We pick popular themes from books, movies, and television shows and create content in art, acting, and music for the day!Kids can wear their public appropriate PJs and PLAY the day away with us!

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